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We have responded to several questions regarding our Mission to "Boldly Brew Where No Beer has Gone Before..." many of our mission critical responses are shown below: 


#1 Why was Vulcan Ale chosen as Season One - Episode One in the Series of Licensed #StarTrek Brews?

We chose Vulcan Ale as the first in a series of Star Trek licensed brews to celebrate Vulcan Alberta's Centennial Celebrations in 2013 as well as pay homage to Vulcan Alberta's status as the 'Official Star Trek Capital' of Canada. The beer was brewed in time for the 21st annual Spock Days running June 7 to 9th, 2013.  


#2 Why was Vulcan Ale brewed in the Irish Red Ale style?

​In Star Trek mythology, the planet Vulcan is a red planet. Thus, an Irish Red would be the logical choice.


#3 What is the Taste profile of Vulcan Ale?​

Vulcan Ale is a “mind-melding good” 5.4 percent ABV Irish Red Ale, a style known for its earthy sweetness, mild hop profile, notes of caramelized malt and gentle fruity esters. We chose this as our Spring and Summer Seasonal for Episode one as it goes great with Kansas City BBQ and Burgers too!


#4 What does Season One - Episode One mean?

Each year of production will represent a television ‘Season’ with each beer representing an ‘Episode'. We plan to release a total of 18 brews over the next 3 years to celebrate the various characters and stories from previous episodes of the Star Trek franchise.


#5 What is the Federation of Beer?

Pluto's Moon Beer Co. has named the series of brews to be released as the "Federation of Beer" which will account for the 3 seasons and various episodes to be released between 2013 & 2016.

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